MSc in Information and Communication Technology Systems – Συστήματα Τεχνολογιών Πληροφορικής και Επικοινωνιών


    Σχολή: Σχολή Επιστημών Τεχνολογίας / School of Science and Technology


    Είδος ΠΜΣ: ΠΜΣ

    Παρακολούθηση: Πλήρης, Μερική, Διά ζώσης

    Διάρκεια Φοίτησης (Εξάμηνα): 3 για την Πλήρη φοίτηση, 6 για την Μερική φοίητηση

    Γλώσσα Διδασκαλίας: Αγγλική

    Επιστημονικά Αντικείμενα: Φυσικές Επιστήμες,Τεχνολογίες Πληροφορικής και Επικοινωνιών

    Τέλη Φοίτησης: Με τέλη φοίτησης

    Ποσό Τελών Φοίτησης: 4000

    URL Ιστοσελίδας:

  • Περιγραφή Μεταπτυχιακού:

    Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Systems have been a main driver of technological innovation during recent decades and now play a pivotal role in all aspects of modern life. Professionals who are experts in ICT Systems are therefore in constant demand. In order to really stand out in today’s job market ICT professionals need a combination of technical, managerial and interdisciplinary skills from different sectors of the economy, as well as exposure to an international environment. The International Hellenic University (IHU) offers just such a highly diverse graduate programme. In a fully English-speaking environment, our MSc in ICT Systems students learn to excel in their technical skills while also acquiring grounding in managerial skills as these apply in a number of different areas including healthcare, the financial sector and the green economy. The lecture series by leading academic instructors from Greece and abroad, together with projects and dissertation work, mean that students graduate well equipped and highly competitive at international level.

    This programme is designed for those University graduates of Informatics/Computer ScienceElectrical Engineering and also Natural Sciences departments, who wish to acquire a competitive edge in the rapidly converging information and telecommunication technologies market.

  • Απευθύνεται σε απόφοιτους των τμημάτων:

    • The International Hellenic University accepts, after a careful selection process, graduates from Greek universities or equivalent institutions from abroad, as well as from Greek Technological Educational Institutes in related subject areas according to Law 4485/2017 and 4610/2019.
    • The selection of postgraduate students will be undertaken in accordance with the provisions of current legislation based on the relevance of the subject of the candidate’s first degree with respect to the subject area of the postgraduate programme, the grades received  in first degree qualifications, the grades received on the thesis and undergraduate courses related to the “MSc in Information and Communication Technology Systems”, the candidate’s certified proficiency in the English language, the candidate’s curriculum vitae and recommendation letters.

  • Σημειώσεις:

    For Masters and Admissions information you can contact us on +(30) 2310 807526, 529 or

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