Sustainable Agriculture


    Σχολή: ΓΕΩΠΟΝΙΑΣ


    Πόλη: Χανιά

    Είδος ΠΜΣ: ΠΜΣ

    Παρακολούθηση: Πλήρης

    Διάρκεια Φοίτησης (Εξάμηνα): 4

    Γλώσσα Διδασκαλίας: Αγγλική

    Επιστημονικά Αντικείμενα: Τεχνολογία προστασίας του περιβάλλοντος,Περιβαλλοντικές επιστήμες,Επεξεργασία τροφίμων

    Τέλη Φοίτησης: Χωρίς τέλη φοίτησης

    URL Ιστοσελίδας:

  • Περιγραφή Μεταπτυχιακού:

    Increasing concern over environmental, biodiversity and food safety issues in the Mediterranean area have formed the basis for a Masters of Science (M.Sc.) degree on “Sustainable Agriculture”. Sustainable Agriculture promotes the principles of a viable agro-ecosystem with natural living systems that operate compatibly through responsible management of abiotic and biotic resources and it is particularly sensitive on environmental pollution and waste. The postgraduate program enables the graduates to tackle the recent incorporation of environmental issues into the EU common agricultural policy. The framework of integrated and organic farming systems is provided by the quality assurance legislation and agro-environmental indicators. Technical topics are also analysed in depth: agro-ecology, ecotoxicology, agro-biodiversity, genetic resources management, soil and water management, crop protection, case studies of sustainable methodologies.

  • Απευθύνεται σε απόφοιτους των τμημάτων:

    Applicants must have the academic level that corresponds to a minimum of four years undergraduate studies. Their degree must also be in a discipline compatible with the area of specialization requested. Competence in English, which is the language used in the educational activities is required.
    The postgraduate program enables the graduates to understand the theoretical background of sustainable agriculture and familiarize with integrated crop management and organic farming applications, capabilities and limitations. M.Sc. graduates constitute suitable employees in farmer advice/extension, teaching, research institutions, government and international agencies, management companies, aid programs, local authorities and as consultants in the private sector. Other graduates carry on pursuing further research for a PhD degree.

  • Σημειώσεις:

    Σχετικά με την παρακολούθηση: πλήρης/δια ζώσης

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