Visiting Fellowship Scheme, Hellenic Observatory at LSE

Visiting Fellowship Scheme, Hellenic Observatory at LSE (Αγγλία)


The Hellenic Observatory (HO) welcomes applications for Visiting Fellows, Visiting Senior Fellows and Visiting Professors by academics or policy practitioners who may want to spend a period of between 6-12 months at the LSE to conduct independent research on a topic relevant to the work of the Hellenic Observatory. It is anticipated that Visiting Fellows, Visiting Senior Fellows and Visiting Professors will play an active part in the intellectual life of the Hellenic Observatory during their fellowship.

Applications submitted to the scheme will first be considered by the Hellenic Observatory. Applications accepted at this stage will then be nominated to a central LSE committee, who make the final decision regarding visiting fellowships.

Limited discretionary funding support is now available –please refer to the ‘Practical Arrangements’ & ‘How to Apply’ tabs for further details.


Visiting Fellowships target researchers at an early stage of their career (pre-major review) who already hold a tenure-track university affiliation and wish to conduct a specific piece of research on a topic relevant to the research of the Hellenic Observatory. Applications by practitioners and researchers outside the academia may also be considered, but normally applicants should hold at least a PhD degree or have equivalent professional experience.


The Visiting Senior Fellowship category is aimed at academics that are of the Lecturer (post major review), Senior Lecturer or Reader level, and practitioners or professionals at a broadly comparable level in their profession. The title of Visiting Senior Fellow is given to individuals from outside the School associated with School Departments/Institutes/Centres. The status is intended to apply to scholars who have already published work of distinction, as well as recognising the contribution from those in government service, in professional practice, in the private sector, or in other appropriate fields, to research and other Departmental/Institute/Centre activities.


The School may confer the title of Visiting Professor or Visiting Professor in Practice for a defined but renewable period on persons of appropriate distinction whose connections with the School are appropriate to the visiting title. It includes individuals with a non-academic background who may have achieved prominence in public life, or who have attained distinction in the professions. The Visiting Professor in Practice title is for those who have appropriate distinction within their area of practice without however having sufficient academic distinction. The Committee reserves the right to reject a Visiting Professor application and either suggest the conferment of Visiting Professor in Practice or Visiting Fellow/Senior Visiting Fellow status, as appropriate.

Please, send applications to
For information about the application material, please click here and select ‘How to apply’.

The next deadline for submissions for Visiting Fellowships, Visiting Senior Fellowships, Visiting Professors & Visiting Professors in Practice applications is Tuesday 30 June 2020. The Visiting appointment start date for this round of applications is no earlier than 7th September 2020.

For more information on the Visiting Fellowship Scheme please click here.

  • Λήξη Υποβολής: 30 Ιουνίου 2020

    Τοποθεσία: Εξωτερικό