Wild Dreamers-Training Cource 21-28 June 2024 | Italy

Wild Dreamers aims to integrate nature-infused mindfulness techniques into youth work, acknowledging their capacity to augment vitality, creativity, and holistic well-being.

Wild Dreamers is an 8-day training program hosted by Teatro Invisibile, designed for youth workers, trainers, and educators dedicated to fostering the potential of young individuals. It provides the ground to explore novel methodologies and insights relevant to personal development and youth work, alongside a reconnection with nature and an embrace of mindfulness practices.
It aims to refresh skills and attitudes to our daily work as well as our personal lives and to the greater world.
We aim to have 28 participants from Italy, Slovenia, France, Germany, Spain, Poland, Latvia, Portugal & Greece overall.

Apply now!

Aplication deadline 7 April 2024

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