SuST2024 International Symposium

We are thrilled to announce the upcoming SuST2024 International Symposium, taking place in Nisyros Island, Greece, on 07-10 July 2024!

In a world grappling with pressing socio-ecological challenges, the need for innovative solutions grounded in nature has never been more paramount. SUST 2024 International Symposium aims to be a crucible for ideas, a nexus of expertise, and a catalyst for transformative action. During the conference, we will have the privilege of coming together to engage in meaningful discussions, share leading-edge research, and foster collaborations that hold the potential to shape a sustainable future. We therefore invite you to join us for an inspiring and insightful event packed with engaging sessions, renowned speakers, and networking opportunities. This gathering promises to be a beacon of insight and collaboration in the realm of all four pillars of sustainability, namely environment, society, economy and culture.

Abstract submissions are open until 30 March 2024! Don’t miss this chance to showcase your research and contribute to our collective learning.

More information is available at the conference’s official website at

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