Stand-alone Elective Courses / MSc in Medical Research Methodology / Medical School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Stand-alone Elective Courses

The MSc in “Medical Research Methodology”, one of the most popular MSc programs of the Medical School at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, is offering for the first time the option to attend any of its elective courses as stand-alone modules. Applications will be assessed on a first-come-first-served basis.

Elective courses offered as stand-alone modules during the academic year 2020 – 2021 include (course info at:

  • E1 – Advanced Statistics
  • E2 – Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
  • E3 – Computational Medical Research
  • E4 – Data Mining
  • E5 – Advanced Techniques in Medical Research
  • E6 – Qualitative Research
  • E7 – Clinical Trials

All courses are delivered online through an advanced Learning Management System and their curriculum spans across six (6) weeks, with the first week allocated to course-specific introductory and preparatory activities. The following four (4) weeks develop self-contained course units (one for each week, released week by week), followed by one (1) week of personal study and regular Q&A sessions. Finally, course participants are requested to submit a final assignment or take a final assessment quiz.

Admission criteria:

To apply for any of the courses you should:

  • be a University graduate
  • have professional work experience in the health service or a health-related field
  • have a good working knowledge of e-mail, internet and Microsoft Office® applications (for communications with course members, course team and administration)
  • show evidence of the ability to commit time to study, complete course work and attend course.

Applicants for Advanced Statistics, Systematic review and meta-analysis, Data Mining and Clinical Trials are also required to meet the following additional entry requirements:

  • competence in basic statistics: concepts of p-values, confidence intervals, hypothesis tests
  • a high level of computer literacy. Programming experience is not required but readiness to use the R language is essential.

Courses dates: April or June 2021, exact dates to be announced in due time.

Submission deadline: 1st April 2021 (modules E1 and E5) and 1st June 2021 (modules E2, Ε3, E4, E6, and E7)

Course duration: Six (6) weeks.

Certificate of attendance: The attendees will be awarded a certificate of attendance, following the successful completion of each elective course.

Fees: 600 euros (€) per course or 1,500 euros (€) for three (3) courses.

For more information, please, contact the MSc secretariat, Dr. Alexandra Karagianni, e-mail: or visit the MEs website:

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