Host – microbe interactions – HosMic


    Είδος ΠΜΣ: Διατμηματικό ΠΜΣ

    Διάρκεια Φοίτησης (Εξάμηνα): 2

    Γλώσσα Διδασκαλίας: Αγγλική

    Επιστημονικά Αντικείμενα: Υγεία και πρόνοια,Υγεία

    Τέλη Φοίτησης: Με τέλη φοίτησης

    Ποσό Τελών Φοίτησης: 3600

    URL Ιστοσελίδας:

  • Περιγραφή Μεταπτυχιακού:

    “Host – microbe interactions”

    is an MSc program exclusively specialized in symbiotic relations between micro and macro-organisms, but also between microorganisms. The role of animal and plant microbiomes is associated with interdisciplinary fundamental and applied scientific fields.
    HosMic is implemented exclusively in English and for this it is open to international students while its participating tutors are well-established international researchers on organism microbiomes.


    Host-microbe interactions (strictly English taught).

    Scientific Fields
    Environmental Sciences – Agricultural Sciences – Biotechnology – Symbiotic Relations between micro- and macro-organisms and between microorganisms.

    Programme Scope
    The main scope of HosMic is the graduate specialization in fundamental and applied research processes of topics dealing with host-microbe interactions.

  • Απευθύνεται σε απόφοιτους των τμημάτων:

    HosMic accepts 15 students each academic year. The students must be graduates of national and peer international Universities, as well as Technical Institutions of the following
    study fields: Biology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Biological Applications and Technology, Computational Biology and associated fields,
    Agricultural Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Diet and Nutrition, Food Technology, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering and associated fields, Veterinary Science.

  • Συνεργαζόμενα Τμήματα:

    Participating departments of the University of Thessaly

    • Department of Ichthyology and Aquatic Environment (DIAE), School of Agricultural Sciences

    • Department of Agriculture Crop Production and Rural Environment (DACPRE), School of Agricultural Sciences

    • Department of Biochemistry  and Biotechnology (DBB), School
    of Health Sciences

  • Σημειώσεις:


    +30 2421093240


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