Αρχιτεκτονική Τοπίου


    Σχολή: Πολυτεχνική

    Πόλη: Θεσ/νίκη

    Είδος ΠΜΣ: Διατμηματικό ΠΜΣ

    Παρακολούθηση: Πλήρης

    Διάρκεια Φοίτησης (Εξάμηνα): 4

    ΦΕΚ (Αριθμός Τεύχους): ΦΕΚ 619/Β’/20-5-2003, ΦΕΚ 592 /Β’/11-5-2006, ΦΕΚ 429/Β’/28-3-2007, ΦΕΚ 332/Β’/29-2-2008, ΦΕΚ 2561/Β’/18-12-2008, ΦΕΚ 3590/B'/31-12-2014

    Τέλη Φοίτησης: Με τέλη φοίτησης

    Ποσό Τελών Φοίτησης: 2400

    URL Ιστοσελίδας: http://land-arch.web.auth.gr/

    Λήξη (π.χ. 2024-2025): 2022-2023

  • Περιγραφή Μεταπτυχιακού:

    Το ΔΠΜΣ Αρχιτεκτονική Τοπίου παρέχει βασικές επιστημονικές αρχές και ολοκληρωμένες γνώσεις και μεθόδους που καθιστούν τους απόφοιτούς του ικανούς επιστήμονες για τη δημιουργία νέας γνώσης, η εφαρμογή της οποίας έχει άμεση επίπτωση στο σχεδιασμό, τη διαχείριση και την αποκατάσταση του τοπίου, την αναβάθμιση και τον αειφόρο σχεδιασμό, προγραμματισμό του περιβάλλοντος, αστικού, αγροτικού ή φυσικού.

    The Post-Graduate programme in Landscape Architecture, which has been running at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki since 2003 as an Interdepartmental Programme of Post-Graduate Studies involving the School of Architecture, Faculty of Technology and the School of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Environment, administratively supported by the School of Architecture, is the first of its kind to be offered in Greece.

    To this end, a scientific staff of high standard, mostly from the AUTh, has been assembled, with a 50-year tradition in teaching and research in the field, though external colleagues are also involved, as are guest landscape architects, engineering architects, agriculturists, foresters, and other specialists, all of whom are active in the field of landscape architecture and other closely-related fields of interest.

    The exceptional interest expressed from the very outset is encouraging, with 80 candidates from all over Greece competing for 16 places, which are now 25 after the new Ministerial Decree for each two-year operating programme. The high qualifications of candidates also bode well for the positive development expected for the programme.

    Within the context of the courses, important issues in landscape architectural research and design are dealt with, as is clear from the titles of the courses and their content. In the diploma dissertation, emphasis is placed on landscape architecture projects which, as applied or research issues, are of current concern both within Greece and internationally.

    Landscape architecture in general is enjoying a stimulating period of renewed vision. Throughout the world, because of pressing and growing problems – environmental, cultural, financial and artistic- landscape architects are being called upon to develop new ideas and alternative perspectives for a very wide range of projects. Apart from their traditional range of activity, i.e. parks, gardens, and public outdoor places, the current range of applications, which has expanded since the war to include large-scale public works, infra-structure, reclaimed post-industrial sites, fields or parts of cities, as well as locations which, in many instances, are virtually abandoned or “in-between” areas.

    As a result, an extensive array of qualifications in a variety of domains and skills is required to practise landscape architecture – coordinative and imaginative as well as technical and administrative. And since these qualifications and skills are increasingly triggering specialist applications, the role of education in the domain of landscape architecture is crucial, not merely in the transfer of detailed, thorough knowledge, but also in the development of a critical personality and of creative inventiveness– in sum, a combination of authenticity and responsible guidance in study.

    In the light of these considerations, the programme is a product of experience and knowledge, adapted to Greek reality and demands, as well as to Greek university and professional conditions.

    The Post-Graduate programme is based on the collective effort and serious academic maturity which, for many years now, has distinguished the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Landscape Architecture, on Greek and international fronts.


  • Απευθύνεται σε απόφοιτους των τμημάτων:

    Διπλωματούχοι των Τμημάτων Αρχιτεκτόνων Μηχανικών και πτυχιούχοι των Τμημάτων Γεωπονίας, καθώς και διπλωματούχοι / πτυχιούχοι συναφών Τμημάτων ΑΕΙ της ημεδαπής και ομοταγών αναγνωρισμένων ιδρυμάτων της αλλοδαπής.

    Αρχιτεκτόνων Μηχανικών
    Μηχανικών Χωροταξίας & Ανάπτυξης
    Αγρονόμων Τοπογράφων & Τοπογράφων Μηχανικών

  • Συνεργαζόμενα Τμήματα:

    Γεωπονίας ΑΠΘ

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