Hellenic Observatory_ Call for Expressions of interest

PhD on Greece or Cyprus in the fields of economics, geography, political
economy; international relations, foreign policy, security studies.

With the opportunity of the appointment of Prof Vassilis Monastiriotis to the Eleftherios
Venizelos Chair in Contemporary Greek Studies, the Hellenic Observatory is inviting
Expressions of Interest from suitable candidates wishing to pursue doctoral studies at the LSE
with a PhD on Greece or Cyprus in the following fields:

  • Economics: applied economics, regional economics, economic geography, labour
    economics, industrial relations, political economy.
  • International relations: foreign policy, regional geopolitics, security, and defence.
    The Call is open to candidates of any nationality and knowledge of Greek is not a requirement;
    but candidates should have knowledge of, and active research interests on, Greece or Cyprus
    in their field of study.
  • Interested applicants should submit an Expression of Interest Letter (maximum 4 pages)
    explaining a) the broad topic of their proposed research (including methodology, literature
    and conceptual frame/theory) and, b) the ways in which the proposed research fits their past
    qualifications and applied research skills.
  • Selected applicants will be invited to develop their research proposal in consultation with Prof
    Vassilis Monastiriotis (economics, geography, political economy) or Dr Spyros Economides
    (international relations, foreign policy/security studies) before submitting their application to
    the LSE for a PhD in European Studies (European Institute, LSE) for the academic year
  • Candidates whose application is successful will be put forward for an LSE PhD scholarship.
    Upon admission to the PhD programme, the successful applicant will be offered affiliation to
    the Hellenic Observatory, where they will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of
    research and public engagement activities.
  • Applications to the LSE PhD Scholarship programme are considered in January every year.
    Therefore, interested candidates are advised to submit their Expression of Interest letter as
    soon as possible. Interested applicants should check that they meet the typical eligibility
    criteria for admission to the PhD in European Studies at the European Institute, LSE.
    Contact: Expressions of Interest and requests for information or questions regarding the fit
    of your topic, should be send via e-mail to Hellenicobservatory.Research@lse.ac.uk.
  • Find out HO-Call-for-expressions-of-interest-for-PhD-on-Greece-HO-final1.pdf (lse.ac.uk)

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