Erasmus Mundus Master in Archaelogical Materials Science- ARCHMAT- Μεταπτυχιακό Πρόγραμμα στην Επιστήμη Υλικών Αρχαιολογικού Ενδιαφέροντος (2023-2025)

Call for applications to attend the 2023-2025 edition of the ARCHMAT ERASMUS MUNDUS JOINT MASTER (EMJM) in ARCHaeological MATerials Science will be open online from Monday 14th of November 2022 with deadline on Friday 31st March 2023.


Applications to the ARCHMAT: ERASMUS MUNDUS Master in ARCHaeological MATerials Sciences can only be submitted online using the integrated application database available by clicking the APPLICATION link in the top bar.

PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU NEED TO REGISTER FIRST BY FILLING YOUR NAME AND EMAIL ADDRESS. You will be then sent an email with a link where you will validate your registration and select a password of your choice to be used when you enter the Application procedure database.

Information relating to individuals (personal data) is collected and used in accordance with Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on “the protection of individuals with regards to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data”.

The candidate is informed that if she/he is selected and proposed for a scholarship, put in a reserve list or enrolled on a self-paying basis, his data may be used for the purposes of evaluating the ERASMUS + Programme and will be made available to the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Agency of the EU, the EM National Structures, the EU delegations and the ERASMUS MUNDUS Student and Alumni Association, acting as stakeholders of the Programme


Candidates have to upload all of the following documents during the different stages of the application procedure

  • Proof of nationality (passport copy with photo) ¹
  • Scanned (translated) copy of the University diploma required for the enrolment in the ARCHMAT (Bachelor/I cycle degree in Physics, Earth Sciences, Chemistry, Biology-Biochemistry, Archaeology, Conservation Science, Cultural Heritage Studies) ²
  • Scanned (translated) Copy of transcript of study results ²
  • Curriculum vitae and Studiorum (EUROPASS format)
  • Motivation letter (maximum 1 A4 page) 
  • Letter of recommendation by two academic referees. On your application page, you will be asked to name the two referees of your choice.
  • Scanned copy of TOEFL Language Proficiency Certificate 87 [iBT] or of IELTS Certificate (minimum overall band score =6) or Cambridge Certificate or proof of at least 1 year English-based instruction at University level ¹
  • Scanned declaration signed by the candidate that the eligibility criteria for a EM scholarship described in the SCHOLARSHIP section of the ARCHMAT website have been fulfilled

¹ For Citizens (passport holders) of the following countries no English language test is required: Antigua e Barbuda, Australia, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belize, Botswana, Canada, Fiji, Gambia, Ghana, Guyana, India, Ireland, Jamaica, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Malta, Mauritius, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, Singapore, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Trinidad, Tobago, Uganda, United Kingdom, USA, Zambia, Zimbabwe
² Selected Candidates will be requested to supply by post a Certified Translated Copy of the University Diploma and a Certified, Translated Copy of Transcript of Study Results before the start of the ARCHMAT Master Course


The ARCHMAT Selection Committee is composed by:

President: Nick Schiavon (ARCHMAT Coordinator – Universidade de Evora – Portugal)
Member: Evangelia Varella (ARCHMAT Partner – Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – Greece)
Member: Donatella Magri (ARCHMAT Partner – Universita Roma La Sapienza – Italy)

The consortium will take any steps to ensure equal opportunity to all candidates with no discrimination regarding gender, race and nationality according to EACEA standards. Geographical Balance criteria will be applied by setting a maximum of 2 selected candidates from each country of origin

Prior to the start of the selection procedure an eligibility check will be performed on each candidate. The Eligibility check will cover the following aspects:

  • respect of application deadline
  • completeness of the application file
  • eligibility of the candidate in relation to the general Erasmus Mundus Programme scholarship criteria as listed in the SCHOLARSHIP section of the ARCHMAT website and of the ARCHMAT specific eligibility criteria as defined in the APPLICATION section of the ARCHMAT website

Eligibility Decision will be made by the administrative staff at the Coordinating Institution under the supervision of UE administrative Chief Officer

Ineligible Applicants will be informed immediately after the eligibility check and provided information on the appeal procedure

Each eligible application will be evaluated by the ARCHMAT Selection Committee according to the scoring table and weighted criteria as indicated below:


  • Academic and/or Professional Excellence 30%
  • Academic potential 20%
  • Research/Work Experience 20%
  • Motivation Letter 15%
  • Recommendation Letters 10%
  • Language skills 5%

At the end of the selection procedure, two absolute ranking main lists and two reserve lists (for Programme and Partner Countries students respectively as defined in the SCHOLARSHIP section) of admitted students in decreasing order of merit and according to the number of scholarships available will result and decisions will be made only on these lists. Non-admitted students (i.e. eligible candidate who do not fulfill ARCHMAT selection criteria, i.e. with scores < 60 points out of 100 and who would not be enrolled even on a self paying basis) will be notified immediately

The selection list of admitted students proposed for scholarship award according to the number of awards made available each ARCHMAT edition by the EU for Programme and Partner Countries students and according to the two respective ranking lists will be submitted to the EACEA agency of the European Commission by the end of February of the year following the application deadline. For more info see section SCHOLARSHIPS AND FEES

Admitted students (score > 60 out of 100 points) who do not qualify for a scholarship due to the limited number of individual scholarships available and are in the reserve list can still be admitted to the ARCHMAT MASTER Course on a self-paying basis up to a total number of ARCHMAT student of 25 (to ensure smooth running of the course). Self-Paying candidates will have to provide adequate proof of financial sustainability for the whole course duration.

For more information visit:

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