What are the aims of the EPICUR Inter-University Campus?
The EPICUR Inter-University Campus is a central online gateway for supporting flexible online, physical and hybrid mobilities for students of the alliance. Its primary aim is to fully digitalize the mobility admission, selection and monitoring process by offering a secure, scalable and transparent solution based on free and open-source solutions.
Main objectives of the EPICUR Inter-University Campus are the following:
- To offer innovative functionality to monitor and recognize mobilities (analytics, gamification)
- To minimize manual administrative work for supporting mobilities
- To be interoperable and scalable in order to support inter-alliance mobilities, other alliances or associated partners.
Taken together, these steps are expected to contribute to significantly boosting EPICUR mobility at the level of the alliance, which was one of the main aspirations of the European Commission when launching the European Universities Initiative.
Who can benefit from the EPICUR Inter-University Campus?
The EPICUR Inter-University Campus is a central platform for:
- The EPICUR Alliance to offer flexible mobilities and minimize the administrative effort
- The EPICUR Universities to share courses and recognize effort
- The Professors to communicate with the students and deliver courses to them
- The Students to apply for and attend courses
- The Administrative staff to monitor mobilities
How do you see the digital development of the EPICUR alliance in the near future?
The EPICUR Alliance has already achieved a huge milestone: to create the first digital infrastructure to support virtual mobilities. This milestone has been achieved much earlier than defined in the official workplan. Therefore, we are confident that the EPICUR alliance will be fully supported by digital services like creation of transcripts of records, online Community of Practices.