MSc in Environmental Management and Sustainability – Περιβαλλοντική Διαχείριση και Βιωσιμότητα


    Σχολή: Σχολή Επιστημών Τεχνολογίας / School of Science and Technology

    Είδος ΠΜΣ: ΠΜΣ

    Παρακολούθηση: Πλήρης

    Διάρκεια Φοίτησης (Εξάμηνα): 2

    Τέλη Φοίτησης: Με τέλη φοίτησης

    Ποσό Τελών Φοίτησης: 4000

    URL Ιστοσελίδας:

  • Περιγραφή Μεταπτυχιακού:

    The MSc in Environmental Management and Sustainability programme is designed to offer a thorough understanding of environmental and sustainability issues that can be applied in a policy or management context. In today’s highly competitive market, sustainability can become a critical profit centre for any organization through energy-saving processes, reduction of fuels consumption, optimisation of raw materials and other uses of resources, minimisation of waste management and air pollution abatement costs, to name a few.

    Aims and Objectives

    The aims and objectives of the programme are summarized as follows:

    • A deep understanding of the current status and future trends in sustainable development and social corporate responsibility
    • Application of environmental tools and techniques to integrate sustainable practices (economical, environmental and social concerns)
    • Adaptation to continuously increasing strictness of environmental legislation
    • Understand the economic and social justifications for various environmental policy approaches made at different levels
    • Innovative pollution control practices
    • Adaptation of strategic environmental assessment approaches in different contexts and different levels of decision making
    • Evaluation of environmental policies in a cost benefit analysis concept

    The MSc in Environmental Management and Sustainability is designed for university graduates with the following academic backgrounds: Business/Economics, Engineering, Geotechnical as well as Natural Sciences. Leading academics from prestigious academic institutions from Greece and abroad, together with key players from environment and sustainability related organizations, teach in the programme.

  • Απευθύνεται σε απόφοιτους των τμημάτων:

    • A good university degree in a relevant subject from a recognised University. Proof of English competence [IELTS (6.5 and above), or TOEFL (IBT, 90 and above) or TOEIC (850 and above) score or any recognised CPE]
    • The International Hellenic University accepts, after a careful selection process, graduates from Greek universities or equivalent institutions from abroad, as well as from Greek former Technological Educational Institutes in related subject areas according to Law 4485/2017 and 4610/2019, as applicable

  • Σημειώσεις:

    For Masters and Admissions information you can contact us on +(30) 2310 807526, 529 or

    4.000 euros (paid in instalments over one or two years). Scholarships available One year Full or two year Part-time Mode (weekdays evenings)

    Σχετικά με την παρακολούθηση: απόγευμα
    Δυνατότητα μερικής φοίτησης με διάρκεια: 4 εξάμηνα