Διεύθυνση: Dr Holtroplaan 5c, 5652 XR Eindhoven
Τηλέφωνα Επικοινωνίας: +357 96873201
Email: ec@kosmospro.com
Ιστοσελίδα: https://www.xelvin.nl/
Περιγραφή Επιχείρησης:
Xelvin represents exclusively the employment needs of several high-tech world leaders in the production industry and carries out all the recruitment processes on their behalf, including that of hiring and supporting the successful candidates throughout their career.
Visit our website to learn more! https://www.xelvin.com/
Xelvin is exclusively represented by Kosmos PRO in Greece and Cyprus.
For further information, or in order to submit your application, please get in touch directly with Xelvin’s official representative in Greece and Cyprus, Elena Chapliuk, at ec@kosmospro.com.
Προσλαμβάνουμε (ειδικότητες)::
Electrical/ Mechanical/ Aeronautical Engineering, Electronics, Mechatronics, Mechanics
Προσλαμβάνουμε για (τοποθεσίες)::
Netherlands, Germany