CALL FOR APPLICATIONS PPU-IMAGINE 2024/2025 International PhD program

Since 2020, the international PhD program of Institut Imagine is joined to the Pasteur Paris-University (PPU) international doctoral program of Institut Pasteur and it is called PPU-IMAGINE.

The 2024-2025 PPU-IMAGINE call for enrollment of international PhD students in October 2025 is open from September 9, 2024 to October 27, 2024.

Student eligibility criteria


This doctoral program is open for students who have obtained or will obtain a master’s degree or equivalent from a foreign university.

Students holding a B.A. or a B.S. acquired after four years of academic education may be considered if they have additional laboratory experience of at least 6 months, with a written final report or a publication.


Students who have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in France for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the 1st day of recruitment by the PPU-IMAGINE program (October 1st, 2025) are not eligible.

Please note that the eligibility criteria do not exclude a student internship period in France, including at Institut Imagine.

Application process

1- Call for applications online
The 2024-2025 call for applications is open from September 9, 2024 to October 27, 2024. Candidates are invited to apply to a maximum of 2 projects of their choice. To know more about the PPU-IMAGINE program and the proposed PhD research projects, please visit the PPU-IMAGINE webpage. You may also request a complete version of all 16 PhD research projects by first submitting a short form.

To apply, fill out the form via the following link:

2- Matching between project leaders and candidates
From October 28, 2024 to November 12, 2024. The project leader selects 1 candidate from the applications received and they send a joint application by November 12th, 2024. Please note that to carry on with the selection process (joint application), candidates must choose one single project.

3- Pre-selection of candidates
Applications are sent to a jury, which ranks and preselects the applications. Candidates will be informed of the status of their application and any follow-up action as of mid-December 2024.

4- Interview week: selection of candidates
Pre-selected candidates will be invited to come to Institut Imagine for interview sessions between February 4 and February 6, 2025 and their audition will take place on February 6, 2025.

5- Beginning of the thesis
Selected candidates are expected to start their PhD at Institut Imagine on October 1, 2025. Please note that the selected candidates must be affiliated with the university/doctoral school of their host laboratory.

Click to access PPU-IMAGINE webpage

About Institut Imagine

Institut Imagine is Europe’s leading center for research, care and teaching on genetic diseases, and its mission is to understand and cure them. The Institute brings together 1000 of the best doctors, researchers and healthcare personnel in an architecture that creates synergies. At the Institut Imagine, patients with genetic diseases are at the heart of a virtuous circle. Created by the Institute’s founders, this circle begins with the patient and finishes by curing the patient or at least relieving his/her suffering. Institut Imagine brings together all the skills and expertise necessary to accelerate research, develop innovative care, and to generate synergies and conditions to drive innovation in one building.

Click to access Institut Imagine website
Should you require more information, please contact the PPU-IMAGINE Team at

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS PPU-IMAGINE 2024/2025 International PhD program

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