Προκήρυξη Μεταπτυχιακών Προγραμμάτων ΑΠΘ


Advanced Design: Innovation and Transdisciplinarity In Design

Advanced Design AUTH is a post-graduate master in architecture, at the School of Architecture, AUTH. The official language of the program is English.

Advanced Design is accepting applications for its 5th cycle. Courses start in Fall 2023.

Key dates for the application and admission process:

May 15th 2023 submission opening

July 2023: 1st group of interviews

September 2023: 2nd group of interviews for limited positions (if available)

For more information and to apply, please visit http://advanceddesign.arch.auth.gr

>> The advanced design post-graduate program offers an expansive approach to contemporary design processes through an interdisciplinary perspective that engages both design as a process at large and the tools that form that process. During the three semesters of the program, students will develop advanced design strategies, they will apply them towards specific design problems and they will acquire a proficiency in a large array of tools – including but not limited to digital tools of design, representation and fabrication. Announcement

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