Consortium for the Comprehensive Characterisation of Foods
Τρίτη 15 Δεκεμβρίου 2020, 15:00-18:00, Online (zoom)

FoodOmicsGR RI aims to provide a focal point for the realization and initiation of R&D efforts from research institutes, universities and the private sector to address a number of RIS3 priorities for the agri-food sector. FoodOmicsGR also aims to provide the basis for synergistic efforts and ideas that will generate new knowledge and new research aims. The proposed facility aims to integrate research and development (R&D) and services, and play central role for the realization of different R&D activities that can be grouped in two directions: on the one hand providing data from analysis of food and agricultural products in order to gain new knowledge and enhance their position in the international market. On the other hand to investigate the relation between nutrition, health and wellness.
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