“PROMETHEUS International Startup Competition 2022”, in the domains of Digital Transformation & Sustainable Development
The competition aims at embracing early-stage business ideas leading to either innovative startups or social entrepreneurship approaches including applications and technological ideas, through a comprehensive mentoring phase with world-leading experts, 25.000 euro in seed-financing and other benefits.
The activities of the competition are conducted mainly via the PROMETHEUS Entrepreneurship Acceleration Platform.
We invite you to join our 2nd Info Day in order to:
Learn more about the PROMETHEUS International Startup Competition 2022:
- format
- thematic areas
- benefits and awards
- timeline – important dates
Be introduced to the PROMETHEUS Network, learn how to join and further interact with our expanded ecosystem.
Get acquainted with PROMETHEUS tools and services.
Preview eBiz2022 – the 10th International Summer School on Digital Innovation and Startup Entrepreneurship.
Book your place to attend the online event:
Check the detailed agenda here
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